Captain Fin Co Does Wetsuits - And we're helping release them!
Posted on September 19 2014 Come on down to Thalia Surf Shop tonight for some good ol' fashion salty vibes with the Captain Fin crew! We're debuting their new wetsuit collection, as well as premiering their new moving picture creation Kook Tour! Oh yeah, and we'll have fresh new issues of Beached Days Mag #5. Phew, that's a mouthful. So yeah, get your friday good vibes on and help spread em with us at the shop. Kooks and non-Kooks alike! What's better than some cheesy free pizza, free surf movie projections, a new killer surf mag to rip up and glue to your ceiling, and the oh-so-nice smell of brand spanking new surf wetsuits? Almost sounds like the grand prize of The Price Is Right, but no, it's all compliments of Captain Fin Co and Mitch Abshere and friends.