Jordan Rodin Finless Surfing
Australian surfer Jordan Rodin is pushing the boundaries of finless surfing, while riding recycled boards that he modifies to suit his needs, Jordan's commitment to experimentation and sustainability is as progressive as his surfing. Read our interview with Jordan to learn more about Jordan's journey and what is next for him!
Where are you living?
Quinn's Rocks, north of Perth, Western Australia.
How did you first get into surfing?
I was exposed to surf through my sisters friend circle, they were a few years older than me. They were the cool kids at school and they surfed. Was a natural progression, never forced on me, or grown into it by family.
What/who inspired you to start riding finless boards? What keeps you doing it?
I forgot my fins one late afternoon and didn't have the daylight to go back home and grab some, so I went for it "finless " this was 2015. I have been fins free since. The learning curve and experiences are so much richer then riding fins for me. Its like a solo artist compared to a band.

Did you start altering your own boards right from the start or is that something you evolved into?
No, not at all. I think I started playing around with my own designs 4 years into the experience. I was only riding Derek Hynds boards up until then, but something struck me, and I decided to make the experience richer (and more complicated, as I didn't have a shaping background) but I learnt quick on sanding through channels, ha!
You and Billy Cervi seem to connect a lot out in the water. How did that relationship come about?
We went to school together and lost contact for maybe 6 or 7 years, then I randomly messaged him to see if he was keen to shot and haven't stopped since.

What keeps you busy when you aren't out in thew water?
Mostly being a new father and working takes up most of my time.
What are you passionate about?
Recycling, most of my boards, if not all, are recycled out of old boards that I find at the rubbish tip. I strip the glass back and then I have a fresh canvas. It's a lot of mess but the reward is ultimate.
What does a typical day look like for you?
Weekdays pretty boring and repetitive. Eat, sleep, work, repeat.

Has becoming a dad changed your relationship with surfing? How so?
It has definitely changed, you can't just leave at a drop of the hat, so I try be calculated on what days look best, but it has given me more gratitude on this thing we do in the ocean and how much time we spend doing it. So, I guess you can say my time has shifted elsewhere a little for now.
Any advice for surfers heading down the finless path?
If you're going to do it, do it right. Lean all the way into it. Otherwise, don't do it, you'll be happier for it. I am coming up to my tenth year and still am not satisfied.
What's next for Jordan Rodin?
Hoping to keep surfing and recycling, and documenting it when I can. A long right point sounds good right now too.

Photos / Videos @billycervi
Animation @benzimationz
Surfing @jordanrodin