Cover shot of Acid Mag Issue 2
Acid Mag is an international surf publication that looks at the world through a surfing lens. That is, they start where generic surf mags stop. They dive into science, philosophy, art, poetry and more. It's like the red light district of surf rags, always on the outskirts, but oh-so-tempting that you've gotta at least take a look, and most likely you'll dig what you're looking at. The only difference is one ends in regret, and Acid Mag is not that. It's released roughly twice a year, or really, whenever they are satisfied with what they've got. We still have a few copies of Issue 2 left, and once it's gone it's gone! In the meantime, while you wait for Issue 3, check out this weirdly amazing selection of interesting waves compiled by Acid Mag with the help from friends like George Trimm,
Ryan Lovelace,
Kai Neville,
Marine Layer Productions, and more.