Beached Days #2 - Release Party Recap!
Posted on January 28 2013
Beached Days came, Beached Days saw, and if you were in attendance last Friday, then you're well aware that Beached Days conquered here at Thalia Surf.
This past Friday we gathered at the shop with friends and punks, new faces and grommets by the dozens. Pretty inspiring turnout for the release of Beached Days: Issue 2, one of the more in your face surf rags out there, fronted by the overseeing captain Mitch Abshere. Was it the free beer? Maybe. Or the free tacos a la Bull Taco? Yeah, a bit. Or was it the photo exhibition by up and coming photog Jack Belli? Yeah, we all drooled a bit in front of the photos taken by the man behind Mostly though it was one hell of an excuse to spend a rainy friday night with some friends and talk about, well, whatever we wanted to. To a blaring soundtrack of obscure rockabilly and outsider surf rock, as well as some moving footage from some old Kenneth Anger biker flicks, the scene here at the shop for the mag release was anything but normal, and that's the way we like it. Especially when the cops and fire dept came at the end and literally had no idea what to do with us. Quite frankly, we didn't know what to do with them either. Wave goodbye and see ya later? A familiar tune we'll be singing to Mitch and the Beached Days crew. When's Issue 3 coming out?! Until next time... Check out more of our photos at our Facebook Page and you can buy the mag here.