Korduroy.tv Launch at ThaliaSurf and Surf Gallery
Posted on July 31 2009
Every once in a while we are given the opportunity to host an event here that completely stokes us out and hits the nail on the head in terms of everything coming together smoothly. On August 14th we're proud to announce one of these events. Cyrus Sutton, filmmaker, artist, and all around awesome fellow, along with Jon Wegener, alaia extraordinaire, will be launching two projects that they've been slaving away at. The first is Korduroy.TV, Sutton's project that is pushing the idea of DIY surfing and lifestyle to new limits. The other project comes from Wegener, an alaia tutorial video release of sorts called Tom's Creation Plantation. And we're pleased to announce the most awesome surf band in the world, THE TYDE, will be playing here live, in true summer beach party mode. If you haven't gotten a chance to see them, or even if you have, we expect all of you to come out and support! food and drinks will be served up as well as always. AUGUST 14th - 6:30pm